About the Investor Delegations

Investor delegation trips are at the core of IIN’s education activities. The purpose of investor delegations are to explore investment opportunities in Africa and to develop relationships with African pension funds, asset managers and financial institutions.

The investor delegations have provided US investors a greater opportunity to evaluate risk, increase market knowledge, and build relationship with local partners.     The IIN team provides investors a unique, on the ground, experience with significant pre and post trip support.  Invited investors cost (flight, hotel, etc.) are generally offset by our partners at Prosper Africa, A USAID initiative, the World Bank Group, African Development Bank, and other nonprofit stakeholders.       To date, US & African investors that have participated in the USAID funded trips have mobilized more than$1 billion in two-way investment commitments between the U.S. and Africa (read more). IIN continues to build on this partnership and will continue to facilitate the exchange of information between US investors and asset managers and African investors and asset managers.