Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of The Institutional Investor network (IIN).
Institutional Investor Network’s goal is to convene institutional investors by creating a platform
that will facilitate the exchange of information and education between US Institutional Investors
and African stakeholders, in order to encourage investment on the African continent.
IIN will engage with US investors to highlight the investment opportunities, challenges, and risk
mitigation tools available to encourage investment into the continent.
Kindly select the appropriate membership link below, once completed a member of the IIN team
will review your application for completeness. After your membership gets approved a member
of our team will be in touch to discuss our suite of services in more detail and tailor your
membership experience to meet your company’s mission and goals.
*For membership inquiries kindly send a message to the IIN team at [email protected].
For more details, please follow the links below the tiers